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laptop Get To Know Me
Women In Information & Computer Sciences
I was elected Corporate Chair for the 2019-2020 academic year, allowing me to increase my impact after serving as a committee member in the year prior.
I connected WICS with four major tech sponsors, raised nearly 5k in sponsorship funds, and secured events for the year with 10 different organizations.
I organized our annual Mock Technical Interview, where I was able to get each of 80 students scheduled for 30 minute practice interviews with one of 15 participating engineers from well known tech companies. I was able to achieve the highest amount of participating companies, students, and engineers the event has seen in recent years, achieving my goal of offering every student that applied the chance to secure an interview.
I put together a Negotiation Panel for women in tech. The panel of all women included an established negotiation expert from UCI's business school and industry professionals from Google, Redfin and Experian. This event was powerful, inspiring, and provided our members with the tools to successfully negotiate in their future positions.
A photo of the 2018 WICS Committee
A group photo at a Crowdstrike event at their Irvine office.
I organized WICS' attendance at a Crowdstrike event in 2020, where we got to speak to engineers and learn about their experiences. Some of our members got the chance to secure interviews, and one member reached out to me to let me know she was offered a position!
The WICS Board members from 2019-2020, at UCI.
WICS Board 2019-2020
bubble_chart My Research
09.18 - 06.19
I participated in a 10 month research project for NASA JPL x UCI focused on the development of a simulation-based game to educate users on the effects of global warming. I used three.js to integrate 3D elements into the glacier simulation, and HTML, PHP, Javascript, and CSS for the game elements, UI, and all other components.
The UI of NASA's VESL platform.
The UI of NASA's VESL platform.
03.19 - Present
Assisted in educational research for computer science. The program (Collaborative Network of Educators for Computational Thinking for All Research) exposes Title I 3rd to 5th grade school students to computer science concepts through teaching them Scratch, and I assist in grading their projects to help develop evaluation standards, coding their interviews, and contributing to research questions.
An example of a project screen from Conectar's site
09.19 - 12.19
I worked as a researcher on SANA (Simulated Annealing Network Aligner), a fast, efficient, global network alignment algorithm that graphs and aligns user-input networks (schematically). I was able to make the Linux-specific program written in C++ operable on Mac OS machines by rewriting/converting code that was not compatible across operating systems. By the end of my time on this project, one version of the codebase could be run on either operating system, allowing participants using Apple computers to finally work on the project without needing to remote into Linux machines. My contribution helped the researchers on this project work more efficiently, after several years of this limitation.
A graph showing SANA is faster than other algorithms.
Cyber Security REU
UCI x Indiana University
06.20 - Present
I'm currently working as an REU to assist in evaluating and refining undergraduate cyber security curriculum. My role involves documenting qualitative observations of the recorded lectures, the lesson plans, and making recommendations to improve each module. I also code student interviews reflecting on learnings from the series, and document trending topics that arise. Additionally, I helped code student interviews evaluating the effects of the shift to a virtual learning environment (due to COVID-19) for a senior capstone course, and was one of the editors on the research paper written on the results.
code Projects
PengWin is a mobile application to assist kids with Autism in completing their daily tasks by gamifying user defined activities and utilizing image recognition technology to validate the completion of each task.
React Native    Node    Firebase    MySQL    Google Vision    Expo
A gif of the PengWin interface, interacting with Activities
Virtual Help Center
A gif of a TA pairing with a student on Virtual Help UI
I designed and developed an online tutoring center to connect students with tutors. I used MongoDB for the database and Ably for the pub sub model to modify user queues and update the UI in real-time. Some features included: CMS for admins to modify users, a session rating system, synced countdown to accept the session once matched, viewable session histories, and the ability for students to cancel, edit, or re-open a session.
Vue.js    Ably    Nuxt    MongoDb
Untitled Jane Game
I built a multilevel game in Unity using C#, alongside one additional developer and a design team that created the sprites and documentation. I was able to not only learn how to create games in Unity, but also how to structure score-keeping and other important game elements, along with performing lots of testing and debugging. I was able to explore AI in game development by coding the enemy characters to compete with the hero in the first level, which taught me a lot about game mechanics and me to a fun challenge.
Unity    C#   
ICS Search Engine
I worked with two team members to create a search engine that crawls the School of ICS domain and built the UI to query, retrieve, and display results. We stored and retrieved lemmatized tokens with calculated tfidf scores and metadata in an inverse index using MongoDb, then used cosine similarity to display ranked relevant results for the user's query
Python    MongoDB    Node    Javascript    HTML    CSS
A demo of searching 'Mondego' on the Search Engine UI

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